
The Partnership for Whole-School Change (PWSC)
Manage change in your school by:
  • mastering the art of transforming your school culture
  • negotiating the transformation process as a school community
  • supporting your staff with training from our skilled and experienced coaches

PWSC’S School Climate Project
Institute a proven school climate strategy that provides:
  • a human relations approach to working with students, rather than doing to students.
  • a change in the behavioral norms of peer groups, from undermining to supporting.
  • authentic, caring relationships that help school members feel safe enough to teach and learn.
  • students with school experiences that develop a lifelong love of learning.

Authentic Assessment
  • Project Based Assessment
  • Peer and Self Assessment
  • Assessment through the Arts

Partnership For Whole School Change's School Team Building Process
No school can be better than the school teams that govern and develop it, and no school has ever become a top-flight school without having top-flight meetings. The PWSC created this professional development manual to satisfy the need to build school teams of great ability that can help your school conduct top-flight meetings and transform teaching and learning. School teams will gain leadership, leadership support, relationship building, consensus decision-making, and meeting management skills. This team building process is great for:
  • strategic school planning, closing or merging schools, bridging theachievement gap, or changing school culture;
  • overcoming mistrust among ethnic and economic groups and getting everyone to “buy-in” and work together;
  • high or low achieving schools that are taking on bold initiatives;
  • creating the schools our nation needs to compete in the 21st century.

Achieving Leadership: Consensus Decision Making and Meeting Management Skills
This is a powerful two-hour on-site professional development session that helps school staff use the team building process more effectively. It give participants the capacity to play a leadership role creating a top-flight learning and teaching organization through the mastery of consensus decision-making, meeting management, leadership and leadership support, and school relationship building techniques. The session will feature:
  • engaging participatory simulations and games that communicate the need for the skills the
  • School Team Building Process offers.
  • immersion within the same meeting methodology our school partners used to successfully
  • develop strategic school plans, integrate new student populations, end bullying, and narrow
  • the student achievement gap;
  • dynamic hands-on presentations, simulations, and role-playing opportunities so participants
  • can perform the manual’s roles and practices, and use the manual more effectively;
  • opportunities for participants to experience how this process strengthens leadership, team
  • relationships, and promotes a sense of ownership of the decisions made and the programs and materials developed.